Monday, January 19, 2009

Induction Date

Hello all. Sorry it has been a little while since my last post. We had a doctor appointment today. I am dilated about a fingertip to 1cm and 60% effaced. We have set an induction date for Wednesday the 21st. We are going in at 6am to start cytotec. It is a pill that will help to soften and dilate my cervix. If it doesn't dilate me they will send us home and try again in a week. The doctor does not want to set us up for a situation that would call for a Cesarean if at all possible. I am trying to maintain a positive attitude, but I also don't want to set myself up for disappointment. I am going to go in on Wednesday with the attitude that the induction may not work and if it does...great! Please pray for Baby B and our family as we undergo this induction. Let's all pray that is works and we have a healthy baby boy this week!!! We are so excited to finally meet him as I know you all are too!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yay for you! I've never heard of them starting medicine to induce and it not working, so I fully believe that you will have a little boy on Wednesday! :) At least you have some answers...that has to feel pretty good. Just keep moving, and that will get the little one closer!