Monday, January 5, 2009


Today we had a doctor appointment. His heart rate is at 130bpm. They estimated his weight is about 7 lbs 1 oz right now. The doctor checked me and I was about 60%-70% effaced but am not dilated at all :( Dr. Hier-Duffin will check me again next Monday. If I am dilated next week she will induce on the 14th (I am not counting on being dilated!) If nothing significant has changed we are planning on inducing on the 21st. The doctor said ideally she would like to induce on the 16th, but she isn't on call again until the 21st, so we will have to wait to meet our little guy until then. I am still feeling pretty good, emotionally I am just very ready for baby B to get here and finding out we had to push the induction date back 5 days to fit it into her schedule was a little disappointing. Hopefully we will make some good preogress and be able to induce next Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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